3 Reasons Moving Is Hard

Caleb McCary
3 min readOct 5, 2018

I’ve moved 14 times. I think. It’s hard to keep track of them all. Each one has happened under a different set of life circumstances and each one brought challenges. If you haven’t had a lot of experience moving then some of the emotional upheaval that surrounds packing up all your belongings and relocating might come as a bit of a surprise. Here are three things you should know when moving.

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  1. Your patterns and routines will be disrupted. We are creatures of habit. We tend to do the same things in the same way. We do this in how we navigate our homes, how we get to and from work, and the places we frequent. Moving throws all of this into turmoil. You will move into a new dwelling where you will have to try to figure out how to get your old stuff to fit. Some of your stuff won’t fit so you’ll either have to store it or replace it. You know how you can walk through your house in the dark? Yeah…you’ll have to learn that again too. Your commute will look different. You’ll have to find a new grocery store and a new gas station. For awhile everything will be in chaos until you can establish new patterns and routines. However, with time, you will get into new routines, your new home will begin to feel like “home,” and the chaos in your life will lessen as you get more established.
  2. Your relationships will be disrupted. This is true whether you are moving across town or across the…



Caleb McCary

Experienced Chaplain. Photography Enthusiast. Lover of learning. Reader of books. Sci-Fi fan.